In Tips

Rochelle’s Special Education Tips

Same Old, Same Old

Some reminders as the year begins:

  • Comply with the 5-day disclosure rule. If you think a document may be discussed in the meeting, send it in the disclosure packet. This includes samples of student work.
  • If documents like Meeting Notices or Prior Written Notices (PWNs) are being lost between school and home, send them home via email, First Class mail, or certified mail.
  • Administrators: Someone needs to be spot checking to be sure that data is being taken to see if progress is being made on goals and objectives.
  • When the IEP team makes a placement decision, write it in the IEP and close the IEP. Do not wait until the parent says “yes.” You may be waiting forever at your peril.
  • Do not write an IEP or 504 Plan that requires another student to do anything, even if that other student is a sibling.
Rochelle’s Special Education Tips (“Tips”) are designed to be helpful and thought provoking, but should not be considered legal advice as they may not be accurate for use in all situations. Tips are based on my opinions and positions in accordance with federal and Maryland law and my over 35 years of experience in the special education legal field. – Rochelle S. Eisenberg, Esquire
Copyright © 2018 Pessin Katz Law, P.A. All rights reserved.
Tips may be reproduced for distribution within the educational institution, the individual school or school system and is for use by their staff. Additional distribution must be approved by author.
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